Sky Is Not a Limit- Amazon Delivery Drone
Hopefully, it may not happen so frequently, but when the Amazon and others finally turn off the drone delivery service eventually the plane may suddenly get off the sky.
We must admit that multi-helper contacts sometimes get into trouble, such as bad weather, software malfunctions, catapults and rocky deserts, all getting back to the ground.
But Amazon may have an answer.
Online shopping giants are seeking an innovative system that minimizes the potential influence on human beings, animals, and terrestrial objects by causing aerial campers that are difficult to disassemble in the atmosphere.
This idea is outlined in the patents granted this week by the US Patent and Trademark Office. This document entitled "Direct Fragmentation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)" explains how the disintegration of malfunctioning drone in the air after evaluating a ground condition.
"The sequence of fragmentation includes release timing and release locations that will cause one or more UAV components to be disassembled (eg, discharged, dropped, thrown away, etc.) when the UAV's flight operation is interrupted In the included patents
Conditions that can cause problems with the delivery drones are listed as weather conditions such as unexpected heat, cold, rain, hail, high atmospheric pressure and low atmospheric pressure. These can control the drone's rotor system, flight computer, battery, light sensor, or other components, causing serious malfunctions that behave brick like the aircraft.
According to a patent filed by Amazon in June 2016, the release system may include "attachment mechanisms such as clips, latches, hooks", he says.
Amazon may automatically change the fragmentation sequence, depending on which part of the drone is discarded, "weight, speed, drag coefficient associated with UAV and other factors may change"
It has said. This, the drone always collapses completely. Rather, if the damaged drone enables a safe landing, it may be that only the part that is causing the problem is discharged.

We assume that whatever we are carrying, we will do our best to ensure that some textbooks for shipping are thrown away from someone the sensor detects on the ground I will.
Amazon writes lots of interesting ideas related to the delivery ambition of the unmanned aircraft, but it is more foreign than anything else. Look at the tower of this city-based drone, which looks like a huge beehive and resonates. If you want to become a complete hatred, this patent for 'Flying Warehouse' will tickle you.
I do not know if this latest idea will be something, but nonetheless there is an interesting insight into how the technology champion overcomes the major challenges.